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I write a lot. Most of the time to be honest. Waiting in a queue? Probably writing something. Having a bath? Notebook to hand. Supposed to be concentrating at school? – definitely writing a space story or a comedy sketch.


I write in endless notebooks, I write on on scraps of paper, I write on envelopes and the back of receipts, on my laptop, on my phone. Like many dyslexic writers I find it best not to worry about spelling and formatting while I'm writing – if the idea is any good I can sort all that out later. And if the idea doesn't pan out, I'm sure another one will be along in a bit.


I've written for money, I've written for fun. I've written for radio, stage, films and reviews. I tend towards short sketches and two-handers, but the last few years have included more radio serials, bigger casts and collaboration with other writers. 


There's a lot more about my writing on my blog, or you can just click on any of the links above to have a listen to some of my recent material.

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